I’m Home Yet… Missing In Action: Treating PTSD With EFT


Treating PTSD with EFT can help you let go of pain, guilt, self-sabotaging thinking and religion. Our hope is that “I’m Home Yet… Missing In Action” can provide the necessary Intel that will guide you home. As we all know, good Intel can be lifesaving.



Treating PTSD with EFT can help you let go of pain, guilt, self-sabotaging thinking and religion. Our hope is that “I’m Home Yet… Missing In Action” can provide the necessary Intel that will guide you home. As we all know, good Intel can be lifesaving.

Chaplain Joe has been serving his fellow brothers and sisters in arms for the last 25 years, listening and walking with them on a pathway to a more fulfilling life. His experience as a Chaplain and Navy Seabee provides a helpful perspective and a supply of the right tools for the job.

Every mission is different yet one thing remains the same, the necessary “intention” to prepare and get the job done.